Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There are many delicious foods in Nicaragua. One is called Nacatamal. It is a dough full of chicken, pork, chile peppers, rice, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. It is then wrapped in plaintain leaves and tied with string. It kind of looks like a tiny pillow (above). P.S. You don't eat the leaves. Another food is Rosquillas. It is an appetizer served in Madriz. It is corn dough combined with cheese, egg, butter, and lard. You bake them until they toast.
There are many good foods in Nicaragua.

There are more tasty meals in Nicaragua. One of them is called Gallo Pinto. It is considered a national symbol. Nicaraguans eat this on a regular basis. It is like a sandwich for them. It consists of a mixture of fried rice with onions, sweet pepper, and red beans boiled with garlic. They are mixed and fried all together after that. This is one of the most famous dishes in Nicaragua. If you ever go there, you have to try some.